Friends, today we are going to talk that what is Keyword Stuffing ? And how to protect the blog from this? Will know about it! You must have known about Keyword Uses in the blog post! If you are a Professional Blogger, then you use High Quality Keyword to write Seo Optimize the post! But do you know what happens if you use too many keywords in your article?
If you use a lot of keywords in your blog, then the problem of keyword stuffing can come! And if this happens, then Google will consider your site as spam and ban it in the search result.
This is a big problem of many bloggers, they try their best to write the post Seo Friendly! Even if you write the post Seo Friendly, then you get very little traffic from Search Engine. When does this happen when more keywords and unrelated keywords are mentioned in the post than necessary in your article!
You will find many blogs in the search engine. But you must have seen that only those blogs are successful who are fully aware of Keyword Stuffing! Google removes many blogs for this reason, so it is very important for you to fix it! If you know about it then no one can stop you from being successful!
What is Keyword Stuffing?
This problem arises when the meta tag and content of a web page is filled with too many keywords. When we use Keywords without following Seo Guideline! Then there is the problem of Keyword Stuffing! When we repeat the same keyword again and again in Meta Tag (Description box) and content! Then it happens and when this happens Google can ban your blog from Search Engine for some time or for full time.
Where can be the problem of Keyword Stuffing in Blog Post?
Mostly the problem of Keyword Stuffing is in Meta Tag and Content! That’s why you do not use the keyword too much in the article and description! There are other places like post title and post url where do not use it! I would like to tell you this in detail for you to understand!
Post Title – Whenever you go to write the title of a post, write your Target Keyword only once! Write 2 times only if necessary! If you use keywords in the title without any need, then it is not good for your post!
Post Description – There are many such bloggers, which we also call Meta Tag! Those who use only keywords in the description box of the post! There is no description of the post in it, so do not make this mistake! Use only 1 keyword in the description box!
Post Url – Google Bot indexes the post URL first. That’s why use the keyword only once in the URL! Use it 2 times only if needed!
Post Content – Often people use keywords repeatedly in posts to make the content Seo Friendly! In such a situation, the visitor also does not like to read the same word. And Google Bot also ignores such posts! Therefore do not use excessive keywords here!
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Now you must have known where the problem of Keyword Stuffing can be said. My advice to you would be that you try your best to avoid it. I have been telling you repeatedly in the post that unrelated in the post, do not use Keyword without any reason! Otherwise, you can get into a big problem that your blog may be closed.
How to protect Blog from Keyword Stuffing?
I am going to tell you some tips, by following which you can save your blog from this! I hope you have understood the above information, what is it? Now we will talk about some of its points which will be good for your blog!
- While writing the post, target only one keyword! And use Related Keyword only where it is needed! Ignore more keywords than necessary!
- Do not use more than 2 keywords in the post URL! Use 2 keywords only if necessary! If not, then work with only 1 and keep your post URL as short as possible!
- Use Main Keyword only 3-4 times in a 100 Word article in the post! And in a 1000 word article, keep its density only 1-2% in the entire post! If you use more than 15 same keywords in a 1000 word article! So Keyword Stuffing can happen, so keep this thing in mind!
- Use the keyword only once in the description! Description, which we also call Meta Tag, describe about the article itself! If you write an article about someone else! And if you write something else in the description box, then the problem may arise here!
- If you do blogging in Blogger, then while writing the article, type your target keyword in the Find Box by pressing ctrl + f! This will happen that as you write content like this! The keyword you have in the Find Box will be highlighted! By which you will know how many keywords have been used in your content.
- If you do blogging in WordPress, then install Yoast Seo Plugin! It helps in writing where to use Keyword in your article!
- Mention only 1 keyword in the post title! Ignore by writing in 2 Keyword post tile without any need!
- There are many bloggers who comment on a site and put their URL! Try to avoid this, disable comment auto publish!
- Use the same word in the post which is related to the keyword! Many bloggers write posts according to their own accord and write some words about themselves or someone else. This can also be a problem of Keyword Stuffing! That’s why write the post about the one whom you have targeted!
- Adding excessive internal and external links in the post can also cause the problem of keyword stuffing!
Friends hope you all are cleared about Keyword Stuffing ? Have known about it if you want to know more about it! So you can ask me in Personaly Message or you can comment! Related to Keyword Stuffing If you have some question in your mind! So you can ask me without any hesitation, if you like this post or if you like this post, then you must share it on social media!